Company Details

Company Details of Ellis Trading House PLC | Buildmartafrica
Ellis Trading House PLC

Description:  Ellis Trading house PLC. Was Established in 1989 as Ellis Trading and become a PLC in 1998 (G.C). We currently have 27 permanent employees of various professions working under the company. Ellis Trading House PLC is a privately owned leading supplier of high-quality precision Engineering Equipment, Tools, Machineries and other various materials. We have experience in most key industries including Technical Educational Training, Manufacturing, Public, Defense, Food processing, Printing , Engineering and various sectors. We pride ourselves in supplying competitively priced, high quality, and on time prototype and precision machined parts to some of the countries’ most prestigious Organizations.

Product : Construction Machinery And Equipment

Telephone : +251 11 1114033/+251 111113782 / +251-911200130

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