Company Details

Company Details of Ethio Cement | Buildmartafrica
Ethio Cement

Description:  Ethio Cement PLC, has been incorporated as a private limited company registered at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the setting up of integrated cement plant with a capacity of the clinker production plant 540,000 tons per annum of clinker, main raw material for making of 771,429 tons per annum of Cement . The company has been incorporated as a joint venture between an Ethiopian investor and WACEM (West African Cement SA) a company promoted by Indian enterprenurers, having the base at Togo, West Africa. WACEM is having the manufacturing capacities of cement and clinker over 2 million tons per annum, in Togo, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. It has also taken up some more new projects for setting up of integrated cement plants at Mali, and Niger and also with expansion existing capacities.

Product : Cement

Telephone : +251-11-1559252 , +251-11-1556995 / +251 111572494

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